Luxuar Fashion is represented at many great events.

We equip national and international TV- and music stars and are regulary on the "Red Carpet". A long-standing partnership exists for the Leipzig Opera Ball, for which we have been equipping the hostesses for many years.
Also many VIP's visit the ball every year and shine in glamorous evening dresses of LUXUAR FASHION on the red carpet, in social media and in many magazines.

  • LUXUAR FASHION is the official partner of „Germany's next Topmodel" 2017

    On 25. May 2017 the final of the 12th series of “Germany’s next Top model” took place in Arena Oberhausen. The LUXUAR FASHION-Team congratulates Céline for her win. LUXUAR FASHION is once again the official partner of “Germany's Next Top Model”.From February 2017 the dresses from the LUXUAR LIMITED selection will be available ...

  • 22th Leipzig Opera Ball "Let´s dance dutch!"

    More than 2.000 Guests celebrated the extravagant 22. Leipzig Opera Ball, among which were many prominent personalities from sport, culture and business. The theme for this year’s celebration was under the motto “Let´s dance dutch!". The highlight and star guest was the pop legend Jimmy Somerville, singer from the Bronski Beat from ...
